
Install MSYS

就如同官網上所講的, MSYS可以讓Windows有基本的Linux Shell的指令.
MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally UNIX tools to be present. It is intended to supplement MinGW and the deficiencies of the cmd shell.

但由於mingw-get-inst自動安裝程式下載msys的套件安裝還有問題, 所以我改用手動安裝.
官網的安裝說明: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys

  1. 下載MSYS 1.0.11並安裝
  2. 下載MSYS DTK 1.0並安裝
  3. 下載MSYS Core 1.0.11 並解壓縮到c:\msys\1.0\下覆蓋掉原本的檔案
如何解壓縮 lzma檔:
tar -x -v --lzma -f FILENAME.tar.lzma


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