
Thunderbird: Change default prefix of a reply email

Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General -> Config Editor (button)
Find the "fwd" and replace with your own. (i.e. FW)


MTP: 在INF中找到不需要的區段

插上Samsung S3 mini會在Windows XP上出現此訊息.
雖然ADT還是可以連上機器跑程式, 但還是有點annoying.

解決方式: 將XP的media player 9升級到media player 11就可以了.
(或者灌SAMSUNG Kies 應該也可以解決, 此方式只適用只灌Driver的人)


Google Reader 替代方案

NewsBlur has upper limit of subscription, although I like the UI style.
Currently I choose 有道閱讀, because the UI is really like google reader.
I don't like other reader with metro style, because I don't read then on smart phone.

coap-client 4.3.0 Windows build

coap-client  is a  wget -like tool to generate simple requests for retrieval and modification of resources on a remote server.  Got the sour...