

寫bash script時候, 用grep或awk取出來的值, 裡面還包含了一些non-printable的字; 作字串比對時, 就會一直出錯. 這時可以用 tr 這個指令移除看不到的字(如換行符號):

# echo $VAR_WITH_NON_PRINT | tr -d '/r/n'
       \NNN   character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 octal digits)

       \\     backslash

       \a     audible BEL

       \b     backspace

       \f     form feed

       \n     new line

       \r     return

       \t     horizontal tab

       \v     vertical tab

              all characters from CHAR1 to CHAR2 in ascending order

              in SET2, copies of CHAR until length of SET1

              REPEAT copies of CHAR, REPEAT octal if starting with 0

              all letters and digits

              all letters

              all horizontal whitespace

              all control characters

              all digits

              all printable characters, not including space

              all lower case letters

              all printable characters, including space

              all punctuation characters

              all horizontal or vertical whitespace

              all upper case letters

              all hexadecimal digits

              all characters which are equivalent to CHAR

coap-client 4.3.0 Windows build

coap-client  is a  wget -like tool to generate simple requests for retrieval and modification of resources on a remote server.  Got the sour...