就如同官網上所講的, MSYS可以讓Windows有基本的Linux Shell的指令.
MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make, gawk and grep to allow building of applications and programs which depend on traditionally UNIX tools to be present. It is intended to supplement MinGW and the deficiencies of the cmd shell.
但由於mingw-get-inst自動安裝程式下載msys的套件安裝還有問題, 所以我改用手動安裝.
官網的安裝說明: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys
Add vi keys to eclipse editor
Vrapper is an eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for eclipse text editors to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.
To install Vrapper, add the remote site http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/update-site/stable to your Eclipse Update Manager.
To install Vrapper, add the remote site http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/update-site/stable to your Eclipse Update Manager.
MinGW installation
It seems the MinGw main site is broken currently. (2010 Oct 26)
The automated MinGW Installer (mingw-get, mingw-get-inst) still can't find some of the packages.
I do some googling and find another maintainer of MinGW -- TDM-GCC which has a better installer.
用remserial來建立一個serial port I/O
首先, 需建立一個輸入端:
# nc -l -p 2000 -t
再用remserial 連線到這個port
# remserial -r localhost -p 2000 -l /dev/remserial /dev/ptmx
如此在netcat下輸入的資料, 都會被導向到/dev/remserial這個pseudo serial port去
# nc -l -p 2000 -t
再用remserial 連線到這個port
# remserial -r localhost -p 2000 -l /dev/remserial /dev/ptmx
如此在netcat下輸入的資料, 都會被導向到/dev/remserial這個pseudo serial port去
文章 (Atom)
coap-client 4.3.0 Windows build
coap-client is a wget -like tool to generate simple requests for retrieval and modification of resources on a remote server. Got the sour...
寫bash script時候, 用grep或awk取出來的值, 裡面還包含了一些non-printable的字; 作字串比對時, 就會一直出錯. 這時可以用 tr 這個指令移除看不到的字(如換行符號): # echo $VAR_WITH_NON_PRINT | tr -d ...
為了要測試重開機幾次會失敗, 寫了一個script來記算. 因為busybox的shell只提供了有限的功能, 不能像bash一樣宣告整數變數, 所以count的處理算比較麻煩. #!/bin/sh FILE = /etc/count timeout = 2 if ...
我的Android手機上一直出現此訊息: 很抱歉,處理程序com.google.process.gapps已停止訊息 找了一些解法, 包含 1. 在應用程式管理員->重設應用程式喜好 2. 清除google 相關應用程式裡的快取 不過都失敗了 最...